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*Please Note: This page constitutes our official Disclaimer and T&C's (NB points 1-8).
i have a lump/s under my arm now?Ok that is yikes but also not. It’s because of all the crap that was being kept inside there from the anti-P’s. It’s now bottle necking coz u finally sweating like you’re supposed to. Treat them and then never ever go back to aluminium. sweat it out of your body. let it filter out.
the deo is super crumblyit can dehydrate over time and become stronger in efficacy as the active ingredient absorbs the oils. If you would like u can drizzle a tiny drop or two of olive oil into the deo and then it penetrate overnight.
i have an itching burning reaction - help?This reaction is actually quite “common” (or rather; occurs often from using too much deo!) and, more importantly, manageable. The good news is that you don’t have to stop the deo. and you probably have thrush! After serving 30 000+ deodorants to our magical community, the most important thing you need to know is about a possible reaction: Every human being alive hosts Candida Fungii (Candida Albicans) in their bodies and on their skin. When in balance candida does not cause problems; but when overgrown in causes thrush. Candida LOVES a warm and moist environment - which is exactly what your armpits will now become once you allow them to sweat again - as nature intended. And, because candida is a fungus not a bacteria; the bicarb in our deo won't kill it. Furthermore Candida overgrows when the PH of its environment is off balance (in this case your underarms). Natural Deodorants contain Sodium Bicarbonate which changes the PH of the surface of your skin. Bicarb is an alkaliser. Normal skin has a PH of 5.5. The armpits are 6.0; and Bicarb is a whopping 9.0. Many customers refuse to trust my instruction of 1 swipe up and 1 swipe down per armpit per day and overuse the deo. This will almost undoubtedly cause thrush in the armpit. Symptoms here include: itching, dry skin, flaking, darkening, painful lumps, and pimple-like cysts. Armpit thrush SUCKS! The best way to prevent it is to be vary sparing with your deo - because a tiny bit goes a very long way. Furthermore, if you do have other factors going on in your body (eg. poor gut microbiome etc) you could still get this "bicarb burn". The quickest and easiest way to cure it is with an OTC anti-fungal cream like this one. OR: You can make my pit-rot-bomb by mixing these: OTC antifungal cream, OTC cortisonze ointment, and any zinc based baby bum cream like SudoCreme. Apply to the armpit thrush and make sure to remove the top layer of your deo stick with an antibacterial wipe to be safe. Also please remember: I am NOT a Dr, just an armpit-obsessed research junkie; so if you feel, instinctively, that something is not right; please seek urgent medical advice from a licensed dermatologist! I found this article super relevant and interesting too...
what is bicarb burn?A common misconception is that the sodium bicarbonate in natural deodorants causes Bicarb BURN. But the resultant redness, darkening, itching, and/or flaking is actually caused because the PH of the skin’s surface has now been disrupted. Bicarb is an alkaliser. Our Body’s PH is constantly vacillating based on a multitude of factors; but if you want the intense odour killing power of bicarb, without the toxic chemicals of conventional deo, then you have to play your hand. The body’s chemistry is also constantly in flux. If you’re sick or hormonal or particularly emotional - all these neurotransmitters and bacteria will come out in your sweat. So it is a balancing act. However we have found that once the PH is sorted and the body has had a sufficient opportunity to adjust to the bicarb then all the side effects subside for good. In the meantime we recommend spritzing your affected pits with Apple Cider or regular vinegar to rebalance the skin’s surface PH,or try our symptom soother, or request our (patent pending) recipe and make your own!
Is it safe for pregnancy?We have had multiple pregnant and breastfeeding woman use (and love) our products! However, it’s always best to consult your Dr. With any concerns or queries first. Do not use the Wicks Bubblegum flavour in pregnancy as it contains Wintergreen essential oil.
please fix my gutOk. Just add REAL sauerkraut and REAL sourdough bread into your diet. As well as REAL butter. Nothing in a can. The best sauerkraut is from IRENE’s gourmet : daily Will change your life!!!!
what are the ingredientsCoconut oil, organic beeswax, bicarbonate of soda,tapioca root powder, sesame seed oil, grape seed oil, sweet almond oil, wheatgerm oil, sunflower seed oil, olive fruit oil, organic essential oils.
the payment gateway keeps timing out..?The best is to close all of your tabs and browsers etc and then reopen a new browser and go straight to the store here:
what are the t&c's for a refund?1. This must be your first time using the Deo. The refund offered is on one Deodorant stick only irrelevant of flavour. The different scents are just for fun and have no impact on the efficacy of the deo. 2. You need to go through our screening questionnaire and make changes if necessary. 3. You will need to perform our Deo Test. 4. You will need to return the Deo to us (in the same way you would need to return a faulty product to the store in a regular retail setting). 5. There is only one refund offered per customer. 6. We do NOT offer our stink-free refund for Bicarb-Burn / Thrush in the same way antibiotics can cause thrush; so can our Deo.
how do i perform the ultimate-deo-test to see if i really still stink?This is the ultimate (and actually the only) way to test if the deodorant actually doesn’t kill your stink. Watch tutorial here: One thing that we pride ourselves on is that, not only does our deodorant prevent you from stinking, but it will also eat any shtünk that is already present. So the only way to know if our deodorant will eat your particular brand of stink is to do the following test: Take a bath/shower before bed and do not apply any deodorant. When you wake up in the morning do not bathe and do not apply any deo BUT… Try to break a bit of a sweat. I recommend putting on a sweater or gown and then drinking a hot cup of tea/coffee. THEN: go into to the bathroom and undress on the top half of your body (NB: including your bra). Make sure you stink. Then apply our deodorant all over your armpits - making sure to capture all the patches of skin that are sweaty. The deodorant should totally neutralise the body odour smell within 60 seconds. Smell yourself again after 2 minutes. If you still stink of SWEAT then you can be sure that the deodorant does not work for your particular brand of shtünk and sweat. If you DO NOT stink (which is most likely because, science) then we know you need to treat your bra’s, towels, tops, and investigate your gut!
I used your Deodorant but I Still Stink, help?This is very, very, likely because of the items of clothing you are wearing! Bacteria lodges itself into the fibres of certain fabrics. Our deodorant won’t work if there is odour-causing bacteria living inside the armpit fabric of your clothing. This will need to be vigorously treated with a thick paste made of bicarb and water. Pretreat the patch of fabric by wetting it and then pouring on a generous layer of Bicarb. Let it sit for about an hour and then chuck in the wash as normal. Personally, I need to repeat this once every 6-8 months. You should really perform our Deo Test urgently! If this doesn't help then please e-mail privately on simipennpersonal@gmail.comso we can walk through the assessment process and questions together.
where is my order?once your order is confirmed it is out of our hands and with our capable ninjas. please wait for courier information on email and SMS. if you have an URGENT delivery related query please email: please DO NOT spam them - they will reply with accurate info as soon as she is able and REMEMBER TO QUOTE YOUR ORDER NUMBER!
How long will it last?If used correctly (one - two swipe/s, up and down, per armpit, per day) the stick deodorant should last 6-8 weeks.
What is the shelf life of the deo?The Deo does not contain any water and, as such, can be considered non-perishable. Please note, however, that we use only the purest essential oils and, as such, these may colour the deo over time. Further more the texture and consistency of our deo may vary slightly over time as our ingredients are 100% natural. We also find that our deo is slightly softer in hotter weather and slightly harder in colder weather.
my underarms have turned very dark /black?Natural Deodorants contain Sodium Bicarbonate which changes the PH of the surface of your skin. Bicarb is an alkaliser. Normal skin has a PH of 5.5. The armpits are 6.0; and Bicarb is a whopping 9.0. Plus our Body’s PH is constantly vacillating based on a multitude of factors; but if you want the intense odour killing power of bicarb, without the toxic chemicals of conventional deo, then you have to play your hand. Your body's PH is controlled by your gut - if your gut isn't perfectly Healhty this will be a perpetual problem. As a long term solution we recommend resetting your gut. In the meantime use this mask on your pits: Create a thick paste of: turmeric powder (2 spoons), honey (ideally raw), fresh lemon juice (from one lemon), and thick, full cream, plain yogurt. Spread over the entire armpit and leave for 15-25 minutes. If none of this helps then please seek medical attention from a Dermatologist.
the new container has me feeling some kind of wayI genuinely admit defeat! The last 3 months have been a shit show. nothing more. nothing less. i don't deny it. the new container turned out to be the biggest disaster of all time (eco friendly se po..) our logistics partner started smoking their socks and, it seams, STILL have not come down to earth (even for me, it is not fun) JHB hit a heatwave of 40 degree celsius and counting and ALL THE DEO started melting. alot. such a treat. Needless to say okes are pissed. me included. i don't blame us. To comepnsate i put the deo on sale at our cost price. but it's actually not enough. soooooooo.... i'm now offering ya'll the same amazing deo that has cured your stank forever, in the not-the-same-worst-container-ever, probably a bit melted, almost definitely soaked in oil, STILL at cost price PLUS A FREE ONE! so thats two shitty containers for the price of one. (i highly highly recommend scraping out the contents of both with a tea spoon, into some sort of bakkie or tuppaware ne? and then applying daily to the pits with your fingers) (hint: im going back to plastic next year. so this promo with be until stocks last / we get the new tube in) USE CODE: DEFEATISDEFECTIVE - for existing (and disgruntled) customers only, one time shoe shine. i love you all so much and i'm sorry.
i have, like, pimples under my arms now wtf?This reaction means I can almost guarantee this is a staff infection. It is super NB to note the this is caused from using too much deo but most people are too sceptical to start with the recommended one swipe up and one swipe down. The good news is that you don’t have to stop the deo. Let me tell you step by step what I recommend. You have broken out in the Staph (Staphylococcus) infection under your arms because the staph bacteria is now living on the deo stick. Staph is caused is because you obviously have dormant staff bacteria living in your nose and because of the experience of sniffing one’s armpits with the nose this bacteria can travel to the pits. The warmth and moisture of the sweat, which you are now allowing to flow freely, under the arms is a perfect breeding ground for staph. Staph alone is a very powerful and resistant strain of bacteria. All other bacteria that we have studied is neutralised by the active ingredients in our deo. So you need to treat this situation in three ways: 1. Treat the actual infection under your arms with an antibiotic and steroid cream. 2. Prevent further transmission from your nose to your pits by using an anti bacterial cream (like bactroban) inside your nose on a semi—regular basis. 3. Remove the top layer of deo from your deo stick to ensure you do not reapply any microscopic staph bacteria back onto your pits once the break-out has cleared. Please remember I am NOT a doctor - just a research junkie! I hope this helps.
how do i treat my clothing from my stinky days?The shtünky bacteria previously lodged in the fabric of your clothing is becoming reactivated when you wear it. Eating garlic et al. doesn’t help either, but the deo should conquer that under the arms at least. Bacteria lodges itself into the fibres of certain fabrics. Our deodorant won’t work if there is odour-causing bacteria living inside the armpit fabric of your clothing. This will need to be vigorously treated with a thick paste made of bicarb and water. Pretreat the patch of fabric by wetting is and then pouring on a generous layer of Bicarb. Let it sit for about an hour and then chuck in the wash as normal. If you can put it in the sun - even better. Do this to the underarm portion of all tops (even sleeveless) and, most NB, bra’s and towels!! Using a conventional detergent will not work!! You need like for like. Bicarb will do the job correctly.
Do you have one for men?Our Deodorant is 100% Gender-Neutral and suitable for any/all genders and bodies.
Do you supply any stores?We are a strictly e-commerce business HOWEVER we keep a limited supply of products at ‘Feel Healthy’ in Glenhazel, JHB. The store is located in the Hollywood Centre on Northfield Avenue.
Can I use this on a child?The short answer is yes; We have had great success with stinky children as young as seven years old. However, it’s always best to consult your Dr. With any concerns or queries first.
why is the deo grainy?I just have to say that the granules are the active ingredient that eats the smell. The trick is to hold the deo to your armpit for a count of seven before swiping. your body heat will soften the product and then you can do a smoother swipe. Also only roll the deo up a hair’s breath.
How do I Use The Product?The crowning glory of the Mothers’ Nature range. Our stick deodorant will eliminate odour no matter how foul and keep you 100% fresh for 24 hours or longer (from the time you apply until the time you wash it off!). Made with only 100% natural ingredients. There will be a faint smell of organic essential oils when you apply; but a perfectly neutral smell under the arms throughout the day. Disclaimer: this product contains sodium bicarbonate which will alkalise the surface of the skin. Symptoms include: bicarb "burn", discolouration of the skin, and shedding of underarm skin. See above for remedies. If reaction does not pass after 2-4 weeks seek medical attention. This is not an antiperspirant. You WILL sweat. You WILL NOT smell. KEEP YOUR BOOBS SAFE!
Will the Deo stain my clothes?No more than any other store bought deodorant. However, if you are getting oily, stained patched under your arms you are likely using too much. We recommend pretreating with either a paste, made of bicarb and water, or with good, old, Sunlight Bar Soap. Make a thick lather and leave in the sun for an hour. (NB: separate whites, lights, and darks!) Do not rinse. Chuck in the wash as normal.
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